Who doesn’t like to get offer? Here at Clicktodiscount.com, we publish offers of different stores both national and international. Visit Clicktodiscount.comĀ before buying something. Search for you desired store & hopefully you will find a decent offer that will save your money.

At Clicktodiscount, we publish 3 types of offers.

  • Coupon Codes
  • Sale
  • Printable coupons

In this post, i’m going to show you how to use these offers.

How to use coupons?

The offers named “GET CODE” are coupon offers. Find them and click on “GET CODE“.


After clicking the get code button, you will redirected to a page where you can view the code. Just click on copy & the code will be copied. Then go to the store.


Use the code at checkout. Most of the online shopping site has “APPLY COUPON” option on their checkout page. After paste the coupon, update the cart. Then you will see the price decreased as advertised.


It’s great… right?

How to get a deal (Sale)?

While browsing offers, you will see some of them are named “GET DEAL“.


Just click on get deal & you will be redirected to a new tab and a popup will be shown. In the popup, you will see written deal activated. Just click on to GO TO STORE. The offer will be activated automatically.


ok… done… now 3rd type… !

How to use printable coupons?

Find and click on a printable coupon.


After clicking the coupon, you will be redirected to a new tab & get a popup. There you will find an option to print the coupon. Show the coupon to the store & you will get the offer. Printable coupons are used while shopping at a physical store.


Hope you understand the entire process… If you have any problem, just contact us.